More Good News, and other Catastrophes

Recently I discovered/had someone point out a few typographical errors in a book I have (self)published called Battlefields of Blood. It is a good book, maybe even a great book. Should you stop reading this, go buy that and then start reading it? Yes. Am I saying this just because I want your money? …also yes. Do I regret locking myself in to this question/answer bit? Possibly.

Anyway, back on point: I needed to make some corrections to the original manuscript, but discovered while attempting to do so that the file had become corrupted. So I checked the backups: corrupted. I checked the file generated by Kindle Create when I converted it into an ebook for their online marketplace. Corrupted. Basically, I had 10 versions of that manuscript spread out in a number of different locations…all of which were completely unusable. So now, not only did I not have an error-free book, I no longer even had a book!

Luckily I have a copy of the published version. So…now I am going through it line by line, re-typing it into a word processor so I have an editable manuscript, while also making those edits I wanted to make.

In consequence of this, all work on the new novels has been suspended, until I can correct this stupid mistake for which I absolutely refuse to accept responsibility. I may not have anyone else to blame for it, but that won’t stop me from trying.

If you are disappointed by this, here’s some more bad news: I wrote/recorded another backing track for the audio books. I call this one Sliver of Moonlight, because as a title its sounds vague enough to be interesting, but just pretentious enough to be impressive. We call that the “sweet spot.”


A Quick Reminder That You Can’t Take It With You; So Why Not Give It To Me?


More Music I keep doing instead of writing, and my first official newsletter goes out