More Music I keep doing instead of writing, and my first official newsletter goes out

I’ve been working on a new song in StudioOne, a wonderful recording software that used to be available at a shockingly low price until they went to a monthly subscription model and jacked up the price of simply purchasing the product by about 300%. It will, like the others, be used as backing tracks for the audio books when I’m finally happy enough with my vocal performance to release one. The song won’t run the same way you hear it here; it will be broken down into its elemental melodies and stanzas, just to provide atmosphere. It might be brilliant, it might be a horrible idea that doesn’t work at all and distracts from the actual audio of the actual book. But we won’t know until I waste entirely too much of my time trying. But then again, what else am I going to do with my weekends, things that involve people?

Other than that, I would like to congratulate myself for finally sending out a real, actual newsletter to my many (not really all that many) subscribers, who have been waiting impatiently for so long. Or they had no idea that they signed up for it in the first place, never expected any sort of electronic correspondence, and now have a new email to mark as spam. Whatever their level of involvement, their on my email subscriber list, so they got the newsletter. It took a lot of work and effort on my part. Really, I had to sit down for almost thirty minutes to do it.

Most independent authors will have a whole bunch of links at the end of their newsletters to other authors’ newsletters, and giveaways for other books. But not me. Because I have too much integrity to try and sell work which I haven’t been able to read myself…but also because I just forgot to set them all up in time. For now, you'll have to settle for just one. But look out! In a couple of weeks I’ll have worked it all out, and then good gravy will you be overwhelmed at all of the promotion!

Until then, sleep well, live each day like it is yet another day in your life, and stay frosty, Fosty. *

*(For anyone who actually received the newsletter and then made the horrendous decision that, “yeah I would like to read more of these literary shenanigans", you’ll recognize the last little section. I used it to end this journal entry and liked it so much I added it to the newsletter. Maybe it’s lazy, or maybe I just have a low bar for what I like, as long as I’m the one doing all the work? Either way, you’re welcome)


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Boy Howdy, Am I an Idiot