The Best Things In Life Are (mostly) Free…

Check out these mountains: pretty sweet, am I right? I know what you must be thinking right now: “he must be one of those deep, thoughtful, introspective douchebags.” You might even be right! But would it surprise you to find out that I took the picture myself? Probably not! But I bet your response to that information is: “I 100% percent believe that. That’s why the lighting is so bad, it’s out of focus, and you can’t any the people.”

Here’s a few of the things I do just for you.

Okay, mostly just for me, but also kind of for you.

Here You’ll find all the links to the necessary pages. There’s really too much info for me to put it all on one page without overwhelming the internet with my stupidity.

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  • Get a closer glimpse at the early career of the mercenary Garruth, and the events and decisions which drive him through his later adventures. It’s not exactly an Origin Story, but it’s probably the closest thing I’m ever interested in writing.

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Brief aside: Do you think I’m selling it too strong? Too soft? I don’t know. All the different colors and underlines and links and stuff…maybe I’m trying too hard? It sounds a little desperate, right? On the other hand, maybe you should mind your own business?