The ARC Team

Get Advanced Access To (Slightly Worse) Versions of Unreleased books…before they happen!

That’s practically Time Travel, provided the person making that claim - which is me - didn’t have any understanding of what time travel actually is. Which I don’t!

As a member of the ARC Team, you have the chance to obtain FREE versions of upcoming releases BEFORE ANYONE ELSE in exchange for some help. CLICK HERE to skip the crap and get right to it.

What kind of help, you ask? Great question!

Moving on…

…What’s that? You want an answer to your previous question first?

Fine. Thanks for taking all of the fun out of this, by the way.


Reviews are one of the most important factors in selling independently published books. But, since we’re independent, we’re rather unknown - which makes it hard to get reviews. That’s why we give you an Advance Copy of upcoming books for free: you read it, and WHEN THE BOOK IS EVENTUALLY released, you write a review on the release day.

And, because it’s an Advance copy, that means that you may even get to help finish it. Editing help, mostly. But maybe you have a brilliant idea that rivals my own already written brilliant ideas? Or maybe my ideas were so brilliant that they didn’t make any sense at all and started to sound terrible, nonsensical, and impossible to understand? What if I wrote so well that I actually looped back around and started writing absolute rubbish? You can spot that too.

The reality is that most publishers already have all this infrastructure in place. But for us independents, we need the help of a community. But luckily we can keep writing the stories that you love. Or that you like. Or even tolerate. Okay, maybe even hate. But riddle me this, if you hate them so much, why are you so inquisitive about getting early drafts of them for free?

I stumped you there, didn’t I?

So if you are a fan of the books and are interested in helping to make them better, the ARC Team helps locate typos, spot inconsistencies, or otherwise complain about specific, unreleased manuscripts on which I might currently be working.

  • In all honesty, the most valuable feedback I ever get - aside from the spotting of typographical errors and other errata - is just questions about what you read. Why did certain things happen, who did what, why can’t your website be more professional in its presentation? Those are all examples of the types of questions that would let me know where I have not sufficiently described the events as they appeared in my cluttered, clustered, custard-filled head.

  • So if you are fortunate enough to become a member of the Pre-Release Team, keep all of that in mind. Where in your mind? Probably not somewhere too important, like with your internet passwords and your favorite pudding recipes. Maybe just tucked away in the back, where you keep memories of your high school sweethearts, and hip hop lyrics. Anyway, that’s just my suggestion; ultimately, it’s up to you. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, though.

  • I mean, I guess you could still say it, it just wouldn’t be true.

Join Now; before it becomes Later.

Help make the future a better place. Sure, it’s just the future as it pertains to the upcoming release of whatever manuscript I’m currently working on, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be better. And no one will be able to say that you never contributed to making it that way.

So fill out the form and let me know why you want in on this, and get started on (sort of, but not really) changing the world!