About the Author

Mark J. Donovan was born somewhere; he currently lives somewhere else, and is very likely to die in yet another place.

He very much enjoys doing things, except when he doesn’t. He prefers to do them alone, unless you’d be interested in coming along. If not, I’m sure he understands…but then again, you are blowing him off after his incredibly gracious offer to join him in doing things. Maybe he won’t understand at all, and is silently plotting some twisted, never-ending form of torture as recompense? Like…giving you free tickets to watch his new long-form improv group perform? Yeah, I bet you’re re-thinking that “doing things” offer now, aren’t you?

Back to the point: Mark J. Donovan; who is he? Well, he’s just like you and me (though admittedly a lot more like me). He eats, he sleeps, he evacuates biological waste. He throws away an exorbitant amount of time on video games, basketball, and sleep; but somewhere in-between he occasionally manages to find a bit of time to work on the stories he supposedly “loves writing.” Oh yeah? If you love them so much, why don’t you get them done faster? Oh, you really have to spend the next three hours farming FPS lootboxes? Is that part of your “process”? A-hole.