Tell Me How Much You LOVE/HATE Me

Actually, I just want the love. Keep that hate under your hat.

CLICK HERE to jump to the form.

Here’s How it Works, Chumly:

  • Reviews drive sales. I need reviews, you need free stuff and membership in an exclusive team of hardworking freeloaders helping me get rich enough to move out of my neighbors’ parents’ basement.

  • Therefore, I am willing to send you a brief sample of another one of my books. It could be one that is already released but needs more reviews, it could be one that I’m about to release within a month from when you receive it. The point is, the specific title you receive isn’t set in stone.

  • All I will need from you FIRST is to fill out the form below, and identify on which sites you plan to leave your review.

  • If you enjoy the sample enough to be willing to put in the time to finish the whole dad-gummed thing, then I will send a full copy of that same book to you.

  • You then read that book and write/post the review on those websites. And it should go without saying, but in that review, just be honest. Good ones might help sales, but bad ones help my writing improve. Which also helps drive sales. So in this case, the only bad review is one that doesn’t exist.

What’s in it for me? Reviews drive revenue in this game, bruh.

What’s in it for you? Well, a FREE book, shouldn’t that be enough? But but but! There’s more! Complete the review and you could even get a mention in the acknowledgements section of that book. Pretty nifty, yeah? What more could you ever want?

…You know what? Don’t answer that. Just let me pretend, okay?

Join Now; or Later; or NOW!

  • Fill out the form, and I will send you a sample of another book.

  • If you finish reading the sample and want more, I’ll send you the entire book.

  • Leave the Reviews on the websites specified here on the form.

  • And that’s it! It’s so simple and easy that it has inspired me to unprecedentedly brief with my descriptions. You’re welcome, world!