A Quick Reminder That You Can’t Take It With You; So Why Not Give It To Me?

I recently discovered that I’m still broke. Not only that, but the nation is still in crisis. Could my lack of financial stability be the cause of our nation’s last few troubled years? I, for one, am certainly not ruling it out. And, you know, you won’t be able to use your stuff when you’re…gone…

…so why not just give it to me? Pop on over to Instagram, post a copy of your new Will that bequeaths the remainder of all your earthly possessions to me, and maybe I’ll “like” it.

Also, here’s an unfinished version of a new song. I called it “Lake House on the Sun”, because I felt like it. But also, the surface of the sun is the perfect place for a lake house: it sounds like a romantic location, maybe even a little majestic. But they you get there and the “House” is more of a shack, there really isn’t that much to do without some kind of boat, and its always hotter than you expected.


Music Dump!


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