Catching Up, Part 1

So I’m currently (not so) hard at work on an audiobook for The Sword of Vathir. I’ve done two rough recordings of the first 100 or so pages and have been absolutely underwhelmed by them both. But we’ll get there.

However, despite those entirely foreseeable setbacks - especially considering I’m recording them myself and have exactly 0 hours of vocal recording experience - I am happy to report that the soundtrack is done!

Okay, well, maybe not done, done. But its at least sort of done. All right, look: I recorded a few parts that I think fit well together so I squashed them into a four minute song. If you want to listen to it, check this ish out.

Now, I think that sounds awesome; and I think it might also sound awesome in the background of an audiobook. Not as it is presently arranged, of course. I basically plan on tearing it down and stripping it for parts, based on what the reading ends up needing behind it. Maybe I still use this full version at the end? Who knows? Now I know what you’re thinking: hey jackass, you’re recording them. You should obviously know. And you’re right; I should. Yet the fact remains: I don’t! Wasn’t that fun?

On the other hand, it might also end up sounding so incomprehensibly distracting that I’m forced to either turn the volume down so low that I might as well have never wasted my time writing and recording all of the music in the first place; or even better, just wind up deleting it altogether. Either way, I’m sure it will be a fantastic, not-wasted use of my somewhat-valuable time.

I’m also fairly certain that you, my nonexistent public, will be appropriately unconcerned and disinterested in the whole matter; and I can only thank you for your continued apathy, and lack of even a semblance of support - whether emotional or financial - upon which I can always rely.


Catching Up, Part 2: A Preview of another upcoming Novel